Thursday, 31 January 2008


Okay so I got all my pictures off my camera so I can start actually showing you whats been going on here. I don't understand the formatting so sorry if they're set up annoyingly.

Okay so these first 3 are the hotel I stayed in the first night. Biggest place I'll be in all trip unless I go to Vienna with John and stay at their place.

But yea it had a little kitchen area and such. The bed was probably even more uncomfortable then the ones here though.

There's my new guitar/case...Yay Alanis sticker I've been waiting about 8 years to put somewhere.

Here's the Palace Theater where SPAMALOT is playing. It's a very cool theater. There's a lot to do around this area. The jazz club we went to is walking distance. I wish I took pictures of it. We were afraid to take them inside because it was a pretty posh place and we didn't want to look like obnoxious Americans.

This is Wimbledon and the backs of Tony and Vanessa's heads.

So the day I went walking a lot on my own I found this really cool spot where people were using as a skate park. It was on the other side of the river near the National Theater. I'm sure this is like a well known spot with a name but I just happened to stumble across it. I was a big fan of all the graffiti.

Okay so this is Covent Garden which is where I had my first Pasty. This place is awesome. It has vendors and shops and food. Again it's like the Quincy Market of London.


I forgot to rotate the picture but this is one of the street performers, he was like one of those human statues. A lot of people seemed to like him. I thought he was crazy for being out in the cold. Maybe the paint keeps him warm.

Okay this is difficult putting pictures up like this so I'm going to try another way. If not I'll be back with more.

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