Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Day 20...I think, I'm not too sure.

So today was Devising London. I met up with Aaron before class so he could go to the Pound Shop. He got a sword and fake flowers for class. I thought they were pretty good finds. We went to Mark and Spencers too because I forgot my sweat pants and figured if I could find a cheap pair it would be worth it not to have to go all the way back to Victoria. No such luck. We were over by the Angel Tube stop though which is where that burrito place is so we stopped to get lunch...sooo good...Except I would never pay $11 for a take out burrito at home.

We had enough time so we ran...well took the tube back to my place so I could grab my sweats and then headed to Oxford Circus where class is and I wrote my journal in the 5min before. With all the free time I have I still can't manage to do homework on time. I hate writing in the journal for class because she reads them and I think expects great things. I wrote how I play guitar to seem impressive but now I think she'll try to get me to play so I'm going to stop mentioning it.

We started class with yoga today which I am just not very good at. She talks too softly so I can't hear her so I'm constantly looking at here to see what we are suppose to be doing and she corrects me and I feel really stupid. It's frustrating.

So most the class was spent acting with all the junk we brought in. That's what it pretty much all was, junk. So the place was a mess because all people really did was throw stuff and rip stuff, it was very stupid and boring. We don't have too much talent. Then she told us what she liked and we had to break into groups and make a little skit. She didn't like anything Aaron, Laura and I did so we came up with something new. We tried to make it weir and abstract because she's weird and abstract and in the end she didn't understand it. Aaron was Captain Planet but I don't think we were going for the cartoon character I think it's just what we thought of because I was a dragon who was ruining the ozone layer. We didn't have much time or energy so it was the best we had. But yea the prof, I'm going to just call her Dawn...didn't understand it. I thought that was good I mean if she doesn't understand it it must be brilliant in her standards.

So we ended up getting kicked out of the room because there was a lecture that was going on after class so we got out early which was great. The class is going to get really old real fast. Next week she wants us to sit and observe an ER. I feel that's not appropriate or a good idea. She's a wingnut.

So that kinda brings me to now. Laura, Jessie and I took the tube back. Jessie lives downstairs, she's cool...I like her...her name might be spelled with a y but I dunno.

I had Shepards Pie for dinner and there is still sooo much left. Boredom got the best of us and Laura and I went to the grocery store for dessert. I got these microwavable chocolate cake things with chocolate sauce...very good. I love finding things here that I like. It's getting easier now that I know what to look for and have gotten more comfortable with everything.

Gonna change topics abruptly...

So in the tube they have this contest going on for all the's pretty cool. They have like specific spots for them to play in the stations and then you can go online and vote for the best. I thought it was a great idea. I haven't been on the website yet though...I never remember to. But some of the people who perform are really good.

Performance is such a big thing here....or at least I feel like it is. I mean with the theaters alone it's crazy and easily the best place for me to be right now.

Life is great here. It's sooo stress free. Everyone should take a break from Babson to both recharge and appreciate the education we're receiving. It's great though, I've gotten to just relax and play a lot of guitar since I don't have much else to do. Once it starts getting lighter out at night I can do more exploring after class but until then nights are early for me.

Tomorrow I'm going on a tour of the Globe for class...I'm so so so excited. I can't wait. I passed by it over the's soooo cool. AH! Love Shakespeare. Maybe I'll actually spend the money and get something there. I still have a lot of time though and can always go back.

I'm not looking forward to Tourism Development's going to be more intro to economics which is so lame. Hopefully I start actually learning something soon.

Alright I might go put in a movie or something. Post Later, Jeannie

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