Thursday, 24 January 2008

London Day 16

So today was not exciting...just kinda long.

London Theater in Performance was pretty good. We went through a lot of theater history which was cool.

In between class I tried figuring out the library but had no luck so instead just used the computer lab.

Tourism Development was pointless. We are still doing economics stuff...we covered supply and demand today. I left during the break. So did the kid next to me who is one class short of his degree in Economics.

I cooked dinner, cleaned my room and watched a documentary on Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. The doc was pretty good except I no longer can pretend that their story is one of great romance like most their films.

It's 8 and I'm tired and lazy and the dorm is very loud. I think I'll pop in another movie with my headphones on to try and drown them out and fall asleep.

Tomorrow I dunno what I'll do. Sleep in...I should do laundry. I think I am going to try and put off buying my weekly tube pass for a few days and just try walking. I've missed a lot of the city by taking the tube so much and with nothing I really have to do the next few days some more exploring is in order...maybe I'll go find ear plugs. Post Later, Jeannie

1 comment:

Allison said...

Thanks for the blog. I love them. Miss you, love you. Please be careful crossing the street. mom