Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Day 85

So this has been the worst day in London...well with exception to the first night I got here.

It started this morning when I got on campus in order to register for my Babson classes. I had them all picked out and was ready to go. The only problem was when I clicked the button to register it said I had a medical hold on my account. It turns out I need a tetanus shot. The worst part is they won't just clear my account and believe me when I say I'll get it when I get back to the comforts of the United States. No, I have to go tomorrow or else I risk not getting into any of the classes I need to take. For those of you who don't know, I am TERRIFIED of shots. I would do practically anything if it meant never having to get another one ever again. I flip out and obsess beforehand and there is even the occasional hive breakout....it's bad. So now I am in a foreign country and I have to go to the school health center and get one. Luckily Aaron (well not luckily for Aaron) has to get one too so he's going to meet up with me which will hopefully help the freaking out factor. Nicole will be there too....hopefully.

Her flight got cancelled so to add to not being able to register and having to get a shot she isn't here yet. I have to get her at 6:50am tomorrow morning and considering I average going to bed at around 3:30 and have to leave here at 5:50...there is a lack of sleeping in there.

Other than that just stupid stuff happened that didn't need to....and basically any day I find out I need to get a shot is the worst day of my life.

I did have some fun though today. After turning in my Leisure paper which I finally managed to finish on Sunday, Laura and I went to get Meg to go see our friend who is one of the Queens Guards who was suppose to be on duty. He turned out not to be but afterwards we still went to Caffe Nero and then fed the birds for a long while. It was beautiful out so it was really cool.

We found out our guard friend was actually working tonight so we went back out to see him. It was like going backstage Disney and seeing the characters with their heads off. You watch the movies and learn these guards to be stone cold people who can't laugh or smile or anything....and I mean technically they shouldn't. Our friend Jack though talked to us and smiled and even kissed his girlfriend...I mean of course it was all done very subtlety but still....took away a little bit of the magic. It's funny though, they're all just 18 year old kids with swords.

Afterwards we walked up to Regent St and got Chinese and then Waffles both of which were amazing. The waffles here are soooo good.

Now I'm just nervous about tomorrow and don't know when I will get to sleep. I need to wake up in like 5 hours to shower and such. I'm excited for Nicole to get here. John will be here too for a little. Kinda a random business trip with his dad.

Alright, time to get into bed. Post Later.

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